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Veronica Schmitt

Veronica Schmitt

Assistant Professor at Noroff/ Independent Security Researcher at Medtronic/ Partner DFIRLABS

Veronica started her forensic career in 2008. She is the Director of Incident Response within DFIR LABS. Veronica is also an Assistant Professor at Noroff University. Veronica holds a Master of Science degree from Rhodes University in Information Security with specialization in the forensic analysis of malware. She prides herself in keeping patients safe as this is something which is near to her heart. She is also a cyborg sporting an embedded medical device herself. She also is a DEF CON Goon and she is the founder of DC2751.

Her particular research interests include research into security vulnerabilities in medical devices forming part of the Internet of Things, and how these could be exploited by malicious attackers, as well as what types of forensic artefacts could be identified from any attacks. She is extremely passionate about protecting people whose lives depend on these medical devices, and her passion saw her becoming a researcher within an MDM. At her core Veronica is a forensicator and hacker and in love with every bit, byte and nibble of knowledge she has obtained.

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