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Writer's pictureDerek Harp, Chairman & Founder

After six years we have definitely reached an exciting stage for (CS)²AI!

By Derek Harp, (CS)²AI Founder, Chairman and Fellow

April, 2021

Dear Members,

After six years we have definitely reached an exciting stage for (CS)²AI with significant growth every month across the community engagement metrics we are tracking.

The global operations team wants thank you for attending the CS2AI Online sessions in record numbers and for contributing your inputs. All your positive feedback is also serving as rocket fuel for us personally and we sincerely thank you for that. We will continue to experiment, innovate and work hard to support your critical endeavors.

At this juncture we can only reach our organization’s true potential by growing our team and starting more Members Helping Members initiatives:

  1. One way to do that is to activate more global volunteer positions. For those of you that have already notified us of your interest, look for an email soon regarding opportunities. If you have not already, please tell us you want to GET INVOLVED and we will be in touch.

  2. Today, I would also like to announce that a few new part-time global team positions will qualify for some compensation. If you interested in learning more and have the flexibility to consider that option, please email us at input at and we will add you to our list of candidates to contact about those positions as they become available.



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